| ANNOUNCING 2-VOLUME 'Science-Faction' Newly Published Books by TS Caladan
What is Science-Faction? Too often, science-fiction is taken for fantasy. They are very different things. Sci-fi is not incredible things that are impossible or absurd. Science-fiction is future technologies, REAL things that can happen, now, in the present, before they would be normally developed. Or SF is a view into possible universes that might actually exist. Fictional stories could be partially true. My 'Science-Faction' is a style of writing I've worked on for over a decade: to place relevant issues or current controversies inside stories, inside fiction, inside strange tales of the imagination that could be not so farfetched. They're puzzles, 'treasures' to be discovered later like 'time-bombs.' I'd like to think my "fictional" novels and short stories are 'delivery-systems' for important pieces of reality (Media never reveals). Maybe they are morality lessons in a real world that is invisibly