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Breakthrough Listen Program Launched in an Unprecedented Effort to Find Aliens

Breakthrough Listen is a program designed to comb the stars for evidence of alien life across the Milky Way and beyond. The program began in January of 2016 and is now gearing up for a new phase of work — a huge survey of the plane of our galaxy, with millions of stars surveyed over the next two months. The … Continue reading

Mysterious ‘Ground Wave’ Traveling Across the Entire US Registered on Seismographs!

An unknown energy wave was picked up travelling through the ground from one end of the US to the other. Could it have been some covert government activity, some type of strange natural phenomenon or maybe some type of alien activity? via MrMBB333 – YouTube Channel: Observed May 12, noticed a strange ground pulse crossing US from East Coast to … Continue reading

UFO Hunter Finds ‘Fossilised Skull’ on Mars, Is it Evidence of Ancient Alien UFOs?

I’ve included the YouTube channel video at the end of the article for those who want to check it out. What I would really love is for someone (non government) to check the radiation levels on Mars, to try and see there is evidence to support the theory that Mars may have once had a society that experienced a nuclear … Continue reading

Strange Winged Creature Photo Prompts ‘Angel’ Sighting Debate Online

A small community in northern Michigan believes it has been touched by an angel after a motion-sensor camera captured a mysterious object apparently looming over a parked vehicle. People online, however, remain unconvinced. According to the local church in East Jordan and the man whose camera detected the presence, the image clearly shows a head and wings. “I said, ‘That’s … Continue reading

Kilauea Eruption: ‘Likely More to Come’…’Mauna Loa Really Scares Us’ – Volcanologist

A volcanologist tackles that and other burning questions about the Hawaii volcano Cracks open in the ground. Lava creeps across roads, swallowing cars and homes. Fountains of molten rock shoot up to 70 meters high, catching treetops on fire. After a month of rumbling warning signs, Kilauea, Hawaii’s most active volcano, began a new phase of eruption last week. The … Continue reading

A Rogue Star Hurtling Towards Our Solar System Will Arrive Sooner Than We Calculated

Not soon enough I say. via Science Alert: According to new calculations, we may have a little less time to prepare for a star on course to kiss the edges of our Solar System. Yep. Dwarf star Gliese 710, which we’ve known about for some time, could now arrive in 1.29 million years, instead of the previously calculated 1.36 million … Continue reading

Time Traveler from 2030 Says Aliens Will Invade Earth in 2028

Someone claiming to be a time traveler from the year 2030 says he has broken his vow of silence to warn humanity of an impending alien invasion that is to come a mere 10 years from now. But the most terrifying part of the claim is that some of the aliens are already here among us. (Why are you looking … Continue reading

Earth’s Orbit is Affected by Gravity of Jupiter and Venus, Study Confirms

Every 405,000 years, gravitational tugs from Jupiter and Venus slightly elongate Earth’s orbit, an amazingly consistent pattern that has influenced our planet’s climate for at least 215 million years and allows scientists to more precisely date geological events like the spread of dinosaurs, according to a Rutgers-led study. The findings are published online today in the Proceedings of the National … Continue reading

Cow Escapes Slaughter by Smashing Through Metal Fence, Swims to Safety on Island

Well done fellow creature 🙂 It would be wonderful if this could become a normal occurrence. Sad that she is living alone now though. The cow appears to have won its right to live after a campaign by politician. via Independent UK: A cow has been living alone on an island, attacking anyone who comes near, after staging a miraculous … Continue reading

alien artifacts alien symbols (1)
Disclosure, Has it Already Happened But You Just Don’t Recognize it?

Sometimes you questioning yourself why technology has made such a big leap in the past 20 years, like computers, smartphones, world wide web, wireless communication and other similar technologies, well this document may provides the answer to that question. People always ask when the American government will make an official statement about the existence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs but … Continue reading

