| 'Donald Trump Will Wipe out Humanity' Says Stephen Hawking
British scientist claims US president will destroy Earth Professor Stephen Hawking has stated that "global warming" will send temperatures on Earth skyrocketing and cause sulphuric acid to fall from the skies and kill off the human race. Hawking says that Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement was "the tipping point" that will "wipe out humanity" and turn our planet into a "living hell". His shocking claims come as he says that he is worried that President Trump will cause irreversible damage to the world and doom the fate of our species. He has accused Mr. Trump of "buying into wild conspiracy theories" for denying the "evidence for global warming". Sun reports: In recent years, Hawking has become something of a doom-monger who is determined to sketch out a variety of grim fates which await the human race. In his latest prophecy, the professor suggested our planet could be destined to become totally uninhabitable. "We are close to the tipping point where