| Forbidden Knowledge of the Anunnaki; Visitors Who Came to Earth in Their Flying Machines, 450,000 Years Ago
Anunnaki was the first very accurate independent movie in a trilogy based in the books of Zecharia Sitchin that should be released in 2007, 2008 and 2009 however, the movie was never released. A trilogy about the Anunnaki sojourn on Earth. Since the arrive 450.000 years ago, the pre/post flood empires, the departure and the next return after 2012. Image: Scene out of the production of the forbidden movie 'Anunnaki' In 2006 an unknown North-American director/producer, Jon Gress, started to film what should be the most controversial movie, ever. But something happened. The production was mysteriously shut down and any promoting material got banned from internet and all the tracks of its existence were erased from media, even the official website of the movie was shut down as well as the email account of John Gress. In July 5, 2006, before the production suddenly was shut down, X-Squared Radio were promoting their 'exclusive' interview with Jon Gress. Below an extract taken from the 2006