| Green Meteor Puts on an 'Explosive' Show Over New Zealand
Last night's meteor, captured on a camera phone by Pirates rugby club members. Hundreds of people across the district last night got a perfect view of an extraterrestrial visitor, as a meteor briefly entered the atmosphere and exploded in a ball of green light. "It was like a shooting star then it sort of exploded and fireballed itself a bit further, then it was gone. It was as moving so fast, but so so pretty," one witness reported to The Gisborne Herald. Other witnesses said it resembled a "green fireball", and one said it was the size of "six houses". Scores of others also reported the sighting to "Biggest brightest comet we've ever seen in all our 56 years. Quick and flashy. Seen in awe from Otoko near Matawai," one report said. Sightings of the meteor were recorded from 7.15pm onwards, and were noted across New Zealand. Met Service meteorologist Lisa Murray confirmed there were no unusual atmospheric conditions at the time. "There was plenty of clear sky, so it