| New Study Shows There is Greater Ice Accumulation Than Ice Melt in Antarctica, Sorry Al Gore & Friends
Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula has long been touted by supporters of the theory man is destroying the planet by using fossil fuels as proof of the dangers of global warming. Al Gore, the face of the world-is-going-to-end climate movement, has visited Antarctica on at least two occasions to highlight the alleged problem. "This prediction has proven true," Gore wrote about the claim Antarctica would warm faster than the global average. "Today, the West Antarctic Peninsula is warming about four times faster than the global average." Alarmists say the melting of ice sheets in Antarctica will cause massive problems for the rest of the world. For example, left-wing website ThinkProgress wrote in 2012, "Although the vast ice sheets of the frozen continent are remote from almost all of human civilization, their warming has drastic implications for billions of people. With the melting of those almost inconceivable reserves of ice, the planet's sea levels are rising. Scientists now expect