| Strange Ocean Anomaly: Tide Dramatically Recedes on South American Atlantic Coast While Huge Waves Hit Pacific Side
This extremely strange and puzzling event took place on August 11, 2017 and there was also a similar event just a couple of days later on August 13, 2017. While it's not unusual for tides to go out this was no normal case of just tides heading out. This was a massive receding of one ocean's coast (Atlantic ocean) while the waves seemingly transferring to the Pacific side and smashing its coastal area. The technical explanation given for the bizarre event is that it is a meteorological disturbance caused "by gravitational waves, not by winds" Aside from the official explanation the other possible causes are very troubling. It is possible this could be caused by an extreme Earth wobble, or planetary shift and I personally believe this to be the more likely cause as the unusual weather and seasonal patterns tend to back this up in my opinion. Another possibility though less likely is that some other celestial body may have had some type of influence on the Earth's tide on these two