| Study Suggests Chocolate Lowers Risk of Heart Arrhythmia and Disease, SWEET!
As if I needed more reasons to devour this stuff :) Sputniknews reports: It tastes great, it lowers blood pressure, it helps you stay alert, it might lower cholesterol and sharpen your memory. And, if a new study from Danish researchers is to believed, regular consumption of it can help ward off heart failure, strokes, dementia and other health problems. What is this wonder drug? A chocolate bar. The far-reaching study looked at the chocolate-eating habits and heart health of 55,000 Danes. Specifically, they were looking at the rate of atrial fibrillation, when different parts of the heart beat at different rhythms. Atrial fibrillation affects 2-3 percent of people in developed countries and is linked to countless heart conditions. The study found that the adults who ate chocolate at least once a month had a rate of atrial fibrillation 17 percent lower than those who ate it less frequently. Those who ate chocolate with moderate frequency, eight to 24 times a month, were 20 percent less