The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

Terral’s Project Black Star Update Report 2017 – Volume 28

Black Star Update Report July 13,2017

Seismic indicators continue saying that Earth is moving through the first earth change lull period of the 2017 Earth orbit cycle relative to the Black Star positioned in the Libra Constellation between Jupiter and Saturn relative to the Sun near Mars orbit path.

BSR Table Volume 28 - 2017

Year-over-year weekly seismic values show half the number of 5-mag quake events compared to 2014, but an increase in the 2.5 to 4-mag quake events. Earth has seen just one of the 7-magnitude quake events for Week 21 over the last four years, so this was not the week to expect a big quake event based upon the historical seismic data.

Earth has not seen a 7-mag quake event or larger for twenty-three weeks in a row, which in my mind is evidence that the global tectonic/volcanic dynamic is shifting to become dominated by the deep magma plume formation originating in the Indonesia/Fiji region. Open your Equake3D program and note the absence of 2.5 to 4 magnitude quake events in the Indonesia/Fiji region moving north through the Philippines, Japan and Kamchatka, until you reach the Aleutian region. You will also see none of the 2.5 to 4-mag quake events in South America all the way up through Central America and Mexico. Then, the changing global tectonic dynamic shows none of the 2.5 to 4-mag quake events in Asia, the Middle East and Europe either; which should be raising a few eyebrows. The data shows the bulk of 2.5 to 4-mag quake events struck in and around North America associated with seismic activity at the new Lincoln, Montana quake swarm area (like this one), the new Mammoth Lakes, California quake swarm area (like this one) and the Jamaica quake swarm area that has migrated in the direction of Puerto Rico (USGS). Earth has just seen two sub-20 values in a row for the 5-mag quake events globally, but the 2.5 to 4-mag quake events increased from 202 to 241 over the same period.

This is evidence supporting the hypothesis that the deep magma plume formation growing in Earth mantle transition zone is becoming the primary seismic trigger mechanism with seismic/volcanic pressures continuing to shift from Indonesia around the Pacific Ocean/Ring of Fire into North America. Be sure to read through the top Featured article (link) that includes warnings for people living in the USA, as many researchers around the world have apparently identified the changing global tectonic/volcanic dynamic evidence spelling doom for the USA with destruction starting out west and shifting east.

Name Location Activity

Bogoslof Fox Islands (USA) New

Fuego Guatemala New

Rincon de la Vieja Costa Rica New

Sheveluch Central Kamchatka (Russia) New

Earth saw just four new volcanic eruption events this week with focus on activity along magma plume arm #1 (Kamchatka and Fox Islands) and magma plume arm #2 (Guatemala and Costa Rica). We can see eight deep earthquake events inside Earth mantle transition zone, over the last seven days, adding energy to the deep magma plume formation. Our planet passed between the Sun and Black Star around May 9, 2017 and has been moving away from the Black Star in natural orbit around the Sun, which means the Black Star/Earth magnetic portal connection is lengthening to help Earth core cool through this period. However, having more than a half dozen of these deep quake events adds energy to the magma plume formation triggering earthquake and new volcanic eruption events, even moving through the earth change lull period. While the larger magma plume formation (pic and article) generally contracts moving through the two earth change lull periods for each Black Star orbit cycle, these deep earthquake events add energy to the formation at the same time that the buoyancy barrier corridors are trying to contract; which tests the terminal ends of the formation. Note that the seismic activity in Turkey has shifted west through Greece (USGS) almost to Gibraltar (USGS), which generally happens moving through the earth change uptick periods.

The bottom line for me is that all the evidence currently points to a big bounce in seismic/volcanic activity moving through September 2017, when Earth turns around in orbit to pass through the Black Star headlights where the Black Star/Earth magnetic portal connection shortens rapidly. People living in along the US west coast are wise to keep an eye on the seismic/volcanic situation. We could be looking at a new volcanic eruption event in California (Top Stories article) sooner rather than later. Everyone living in the USA and particularly those living west of the Rocky Mountain Ridge should be preparing for catastrophic events with a survival plan in place, before the crap hits the fan. Look how quickly the seismic/volcanic environment is changing with a new quake swarm area forming in Montana and volcanic eruption warnings coming for California, which has not been part of the landscape since this Black Star investigation began in January 2011. The warning signs are everywhere and everyone has been warned repeatedly to prepare for what is coming from space.

Magnetic North Pole Migration 07.13.2017

The magnetic North Pole made the biggest move of the year this week deviating away from the 2015 migration path in the direction of what we saw for 2016. Note how the 2013/2014 magnetic pole positions are grouped together like we see for 2015/2016 with the 2017 position splitting these locations right down the middle. The Chandler Wobble migration pattern producing 433-day cycles historically has changed dramatically since the 180-degree phase shift in June 2005 (link = “Nobody knows why”) to create a 377-day cycle pattern in many chart locations for the last three years. The magnetic North Pole migration cycle is now reduced to fewer than 360 days, but there is still insufficient data for drawing definitive conclusions about what this means.

Earth is expected to continue moving through the current earth change lull period to the end of August 2017. Then we see the seismic/volcanic bounce for September with a mini-lull period anticipated for October, before we see the largest earthquake events of the year in the second two weeks of November going into December. We should see sub-200 values for the 2.5 to 4-mag quake events in the last two weeks of August in combination with a pair of sub-20 values for the 5-mag quake events with perhaps one or two new volcanic eruptions, until the weekly event total values go on the uptick for September 2017. Now is the perfect time for subscribing to the Survival Group Program at creating the opportunity to receive your Threat Assessment Information, before being connected with more than 200 families in the United States already working in the Program. You will then have the information needed for devising your best survival strategy possible, before the crap hits the fan.

Project supporters for Week 28 include Chad, Anna, Joseph, Larry and Mary all subscribing to the Newsletter/Survival Group Programs at to receive full subscriber benefits for the coming year. Bruce, James and Hugh renewed their subscriptions from previous years with no donations to report again for this week. Many thanks to everyone supporting the research for making the investigation, newsletter and survival group programs possible. Terral


Read the Full Report and related articles using a complimentary link to Terral’s 2017 Newsletter Volume 28. Subscribe to the Newsletter/Survival Group Programs and support the research at



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The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

