| 5 Surprising Things Learned about the 'Phoenix Lights' Sighting at the UFO Congress
The "Phoenix Lights" incident remains a big deal to UFO researchers worldwide even 20 years later because thousands reported witnessing the phenomenon. We know the official explanation that the lights in the sky and possible craft were military flares left many, especially among UFO and extraterrestrial believers, unsatisfied. We know that the curiosity about it probably isn't going to go away anytime soon. Several hundred people attended "The Importance of the Phoenix Lights-Mass UFO Sighting" panel discussion earlier this week as part of the International UFO Congress in Scottsdale. Panelists included witness to lights Richard Dolan, a UFO writer and researcher, host of a weekly radio program and guest on the shows "Hangar One" and "Ancient Aliens"; Dr. Lynne Kitei, a witness to the lights and author of "Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone"; Jim Mann, director of Arizona MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), an investigative and research organization. The panel was