| 8 Eminent Scientists Who Believe(d) In the Paranormal
by Jake Anderson There is a long history of scientific inquiry into the paranormal. Most scientists won't openly profess to a belief in the paranormal or supernatural for fear of professional ridicule. But that's not always the case. Philosopher and psychologist William James was one of the first psychical researchers who worked on a variety of paranormal and mesmerist cases. Respected in his field, and still studied today, James remained deeply skeptical with regards to psychic powers and paranormal realities. Like Thomas Edison and Freeman Dyson, James can't really be said to have been a paranormal believer, but all three of these men did devote considerable energy and resources into researching it....others followed up on their work and came to widely varied and controversial conclusions. 1 Carl Jung's Synchronicity and the Scarab Beetle The famous psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung is known mostly for his work in studying the role of archetypes in human consciousness, but