| Editorial Response by One of Our Readers To: NASA: 4 Billion People at Risk As 'Water Table Dropping…'
An Editorial by Sam Bass The Original Article link appears at the end of the commentary Plan Ahead For What You Need 'Idiocy' has Always been the Outstanding Characteristic of Governments and Greedy Men. When I was a boy, on a S. Western ranch, we drilled two holes down through two water tables. Each hole was located near a flood water catch-basin. Then, when rains came with run-off, the basins filled, time was given for the dirt to settle out, and then valves were opened on waterlines feeding into the un-used, previously drilled, water-table well holes. It took awhile for the basin water to be drained into the two well-holes, but we were able to 'save' much of what would have otherwise been lost as flood-run-off. This may seem odd, and it did to many who knew of our endeavor. However, we were never 'Low' on water needed for home, farm and livestock, even in the dry years where many others had to sell stock and cut-back on thearea of farmed lands. Planning ahead was costly in the