| Ancient Sumerian Accounts of the Great Flood: 'Gods' Left Earth to be Safe in the Heavens
Ancient Sumerian Accounts of the Great Flood speak of a time when 'Gods' came down from heaven creating the first cities on Earth… but these same 'Gods' left Earth to be safe in the heavens before the great Flood swiped across the planet. While there are many accounts of ancient, prehistoric floods, the earliest flood legend in word mythology actually originates in one of the most enigmatic and mysterious ancient civilizations to inhabit our planet, the Sumerians. The account of the great Flood, according to ancient Sumerian legend date back to about 200 BCE, to a time when 'Gods' left Earth to be safe in the heavens. Many of the ancient Sumerian clay tablets provide incredible stories that are mainly considered as legends or myths, simply because we are unaware of their true meaning, and can't comprehend something that makes our mind wander into the unknown. Texts found in ancient Sumerian tablets illustrate impressive stories of how humans came into existence, our origins and the