| Are We Alone? New Wave of Repeating Deep Space Radio Signals Baffle Scientists
Astronomers have reported a new wave of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) from deep space. These mysterious radio signals have baffled and intrigued astronomers, including some who speculate that they are the work of an extraterrestrial intelligence. Scientists with the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico have detected a series of six FRBs, all in approximately the same location: the Auriga constellation, some three billion light-years from Earth. The most recent wave follows 18 previously detected FRBs, recorded since 2007. The astronomical community continues to discuss the probable source of the repeating signals. An FRB lasts only a few milliseconds, but contains an incredible amount of energy, about the same amount our Sun produces in a month. Sensitive detection devices have been able to detect FRBs billions of light years from the Earth. While a cosmic event, such as a stellar collision, could be responsible for a single FRB, multiple bursts