| Asteroid Possibly Larger Than the Statue of Liberty to Make Close Earth Pass at over 37,000 mph
Imagine IF this large dense object travelling at over 37,000 mph entered our atmosphere! via RT: A huge asteroid dubbed 2018 SP1 is hurtling towards Earth. The space rock is estimated to be about the size of the Statue of Liberty or larger. The giant space rock, discovered by NASA on September 19, is closing in on Earth at the speed of 37,600 mph, or 60,000 kph. SP1 measures between 229ft and 524ft (70m and 160m) in diameter, which is comparable to the size of Statue of Liberty (305ft), a standard football pitch (295 to 393ft) or the London Eye (440ft). The asteroid falls into the "potentially hazardous" category in NASA terms, given to all asteroids that go closer to Earth than 4.6mn miles and are bigger than 500ft in diameter. The space object is expected to make a "close approach" to Earth on October 3, when it passes by within 3.54mn miles. It's an Apollo type asteroid, named after 1862 Apollo discovered in the 1930s. One of the type's defining characteristics is that its path