The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

Believe It Or Not – Doomsday Dave

An original article written by staff writer Doomsday Dave (David Hines)

There have been comments made by quite a few people who are now doubting the existence of Planet X and I think this is due to the fact that some individuals are posting pics of Planet X that turn out to be lens flare or something else, but I believe that not all of the pictures are fake. According to some experts Planet X is very close to the sun at around the 2 O’Clock position and you really need an infrared lens to see it, well that seems realistic to me, they also say at times with a little cloud cover can reveal Planet X. I think the further south you are the easier it is to witness as it is below the ecliptic. There is no doubt in my mind that it exists and all though the signs are subtle as regards to how it is affecting our planet and they are there.

I had an email from Lazy Toad and he told me that the weather in Great Britain is warm for that time of year and it is the same here in Canada (Southern Ontario). We are still on the plus side when it should be well into the minus, and I am getting emails from all over the world on how the weather is not normal. It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that something is not right but there are people out there that refuse to admit this and it could be a question that they are afraid of the truth. Again it is just a matter of when Planet X is really going to show its ugly head for all to see and for many people seeing is believing and I get that. You can not ignore the fact that we are living in changed times.

It has been over 700,000 years since the poles reversed and the North Pole will hit landfall in Russia by 2019. I think that scientist are concerned enough that they are going to launch three satellites to monitor the pole shift and I can imagine the cost of doing this must be huge. I also believe that they are concerned as the moving of the North Pole is increasing at a rapid rate and may keep accelerating. See link below for more info.

I know from reports I get around the world such as Brazil is experiencing extreme heat along with parts of Australia. I myself have experienced a big increase in temperatures when I went to the Bahamas and had to stay in the shade a lot of the time as the sun was blistering hot.

I can understand the frustration for many people about the arrival of Planet X and I have heard that there have been quite a few of the elite that have started moving into there underground shelters already but this again is just speculation but there is no smoke without fire.

I have been monitoring the amount of meteors coming to earth which has increased dramatically which falls into the predictions from some experts as the result of Planet X getting closer, pushing these fire balls towards earth. You just simply can not ignore these facts and one should be paying more attention to the unreported events happening around the world such as massive floods everywhere and massive increases of rain falls, land slides and sink holes. The amount of attention that people get from the powers to be over reporting many anomalies is increasing and there have been many videos posted which have mysteriously been removed and that just sends me signals that we are striking a nerve with those who would like to keep what is happening a secret until the very end.

You may ignore all of this and carry on being a modern day zombie burying your head in a smart phone just like the Ostrich bearing its head in the sand for safety when the rest of his body is exposed. Fear does strange things to people like denial and lashing out to those who try to convey the real truth. I get that but the signs are real and one day the proof is going to be staring you right in the face and I wonder what you will do then.

Time is a key factor in the belief system and there have been many predicting the arrival of Planet X but as each prediction time passes and nothing happens the belief in Planet X dwindles and people start falling back to the zombie mode. I can understand people’s frustration and I understand that but please realize that the elite rely on this type of thought pattern to accomplish their goal of everyone being in the dark and thinking that all these people that write about Planet X are a bunch of hill billies with nothing better to do than try to scare everyone. This subject of Planet X is not going away and there are going to be so much happening in the future that it will no longer be a secret and then there is going to be such a scramble by everyone it will make your head spin. People will be in panic mode and will have no idea what to do or where to go, and chaos will rule the globe as people will be jockeying for what they believe to be a safe haven.

From what I have learned the safe havens are going to be inland and I believe that Northern Canada would be the preferred location as I understand it will be affected the least.

So what is the answer, well I think people should do their due diligence and look at all the facts and make their own conclusions without any influence from outsiders or relatives. I get comments that Planet X is a myth but when these statements are made it usually comes from people that have done zip in regards to research and boldly blurt out what they believe is an intelligent statement which I consider bunk.

Stay safe

DDD signing off
Keep your eyes in the skies and your nose to the grind stone.



The views expressed in this article are solely those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of all or other BendedReality staff.

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The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

