| Belmez Faces: Mystery of the People in the Floor
Belmez Faces Appeared and Skeletons Were Found When Belmez resident Maria Gomez Pereira noticed a stain forming on her kitchen floor one day in August 1971, little did she know that she would become the centre of one of the most fascinating and best documented cases of paranormal phenomenon in the whole of the 20th century – "the Belmez faces." Without any apparent cause, the stain began to develop over a period of time and eventually moulded itself into a face. While this face was forming, the stain was said to have moved position. Terrified by this, Pereira tried to remove it several times by scrubbing vigorously. All of her efforts proved futile, so she solicited the assistance of her husband (Juan) and son (Miguel). Juan's solution was a much more final one than mere cleaning. Along with their son, he took a pick-axe to the whole floor and cemented a new one in it's stead. For about a week, things looked as though they had returned to normal. Then the face reappeared. Skeletons