| 'Brazil's Roswell' – Rumors Emerge of Alien Creature Footage
"As if that wasn't enough, reports started to emerge of a strange creature that had been sighted in the town - a being of around 4ft in height with oily skin, a large head and red eyes." By T.K. Randall unexplained-mysteries Footage allegedly captured during a UFO incident in Brazil in 1996 is rumored to be in line for release in the near future. Known as the Varginha incident (or 'Brazil's Roswell'), the event itself began in January 1996 when a number of people reported seeing a strange cigar-shaped object falling from the sky. "It looked like a washing machine struggling, fighting to keep its altitude," witness Carlos de Souza said during an interview recorded shortly afterwards. "The side of it was completely torn and it had white smoke coming out. It wasn't black smoke like from a fire. At the time I thought it was like an aircraft in trouble, an airplane, so I decided to follow it." When he arrived at the crash site, he observed a large amount of debris and a strong smell of