| Bright Green Meteor Fireball Mystifies Stargazers Looking for Aurora Australis
They were waiting for the Aurora Australis, but amateur photographers were left guessing after seeing a bright green flash light up the Tasmanian sky. Amateur photographer Leoni Williams captured a shot of the green streak about 9:30pm on Thursday by "accident". Overlooking Pipe Clay Lagoon, toward Clifton Beach in southern Tasmania, Ms Williams had her camera facing south in anticipation of an Aurora. "I was very lucky to capture this bright green object before it disappeared over the horizon," Ms Williams said. "I'm still not sure what it was. I didn't actually see it with the naked eye as I wasn't watching. I had just set the camera on 30 seconds and pushed the shutter and turned back to my phone. "I would imagine it was pretty quick. I nearly missed it because it was at the end of the exposure." Photo sparked social media debate Ms Williams took to social media to try and find out what she'd captured on camera. Opinions varied, with some thinking it was a shooting star, a fallen