| 'Bulging Triangle' UFO Appears over Islamabad for Two Hours
"It was solid black and had no sharp edges. It wasn't reflecting too much light and no lights were emanating from it." via Unexplained-Mysteries Image Credit: Arslan Warraich Locals were left perplexed this week after a strange object was spotted in the skies over Pakistan. The unidentified object, which was captured on camera by 33-year-old Arslan Warraich, was described as a 'bulging triangle' which seemed to mill around in the sky for the better part of two hours. "I still don't know what it was," he said. "I filmed it for over 12 minutes at different times, took dozens of pictures and observed it for the best part of two hours." "To the naked eye it seemed like a black round rock but as I zoomed in, I could see it was roughly the shape of a triangle with a clear bulge on top towards the back." "It was solid black and had no sharp edges. It wasn't reflecting too much light and no lights were emanating from it." After the clip was posted online, several people got in touch to say