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Collision With a Massive Comet Will Be an Extinction Level Event Within 20 Years Claims Author

By Graham Hancock Extinction Level Event? Within the next 20 years, Earth faces a collision with the remnants of a comet big enough to end all life as we know it, according to the author of Magicians of the Gods Graham Hancock He claims the following: Within 20 years a comet big enough to end life as we know it … Continue reading

Tickling Rats: Rats Respond with Joy, Jumps and ‘Laughter’ When Tickled

Written by Stargazer BENDEDREALITY.COM – November 2016 Many feel that humans are far different from all other life forms and as a result they make a great number of false assumptions as to what other animals are able or capable of feeling and experiencing. Some interesting and fascinating results were derived from a study by Neuroscientist Shimpei Ishiyama and his … Continue reading

UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact v2.0 (full length video)

This video explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities. Written, narrated and audio editing by Bernhard Guenther. Visuals and video editing by Humberto Braga. Based on “UFOs, Aliens and the Question of Contact” by Bernhard Guenther TimeOfTransition YouTube Channel IF YOU ENJOY THIS … Continue reading

Earth May Be an Alien Zoo and We’re All Just an Exhibition

“Where is everybody?” As the massive alien-searching telescope opened last month in China and probes and rovers look for evidence of life on Mars, the Fermi paradox continues to taunt us: If there are billions of Sun-like stars in the galaxy with billions of Earth-line planets possibly billions of years older, the probabilities are high that there are more advanced … Continue reading

Ancient Sumerian Writings Reveal The Earth Was Ruled By Eight Immortal Kings For 241,200 Years.

More than a dozen copies of a mysterious text referred to as the Sumerian King Lists have been uncovered over the years by archaeologists in regions as disparate as ancient Babylon, Susa, and Assyria. They are all believed to be copies of a single original manuscript which is thought to have been written during the Third Dynasty of Ur by … Continue reading

Chemtrails ‘Will Wipe Out Humans’ Causing Biblical-Style Floods, Says Expert

THEY’RE reportedly responsible for killing bees off in their billions and now it’s been claimed Chemtrails could kill off human kind in just a few years, according to shock comments from a US expert. And the “covert operation” could allegedly cause biblical style floods that will pour down toxic chemicals including lead and mercury leaving catastrophic results. US eco expert … Continue reading

Navy Identifies Mystery Plane over Denver; Its Mission Still a Secret

A plane shrouded in mystery captured the attention of thousands on Wednesday. Nobody knew why a high-altitude plane circled the City of Denver for hours. Now the Navy has some answers. Denver7 tracked IRON99 as it traveled from the West Coast to Oklahoma, where it eventually landed at Tinker Air Force Base, however it spent roughly an hour in Denver, … Continue reading

RussiaSecretBookAndAlie Races
Russia’s Secret Book And Alien Races On Earth

The book’s secret alien races is one of the most controversial documents originating from the period when Russia was dominated by communism. The first edition of the book was published in 1946 and was designed to inform the secret agents of the various alien races who had visited our planet until that time. As long as the iron curtain Russia … Continue reading

Vitamin C
Mystery Vitamin C: Strange Interaction With Ebola and Other Oddities

By BENDEDREALITY staff writer Roger Conner November 2016 The information presented in this article will probably shock you. Before we get more deep into things it is important to note that refined white sugar is used to manufacture vitamin C. Therefore, it’s not surprising that the vitamin C molecule closely resembles the sugar molecule. Your body has the ability to … Continue reading

Strange Small Elongated Skull Found in Peru

What is it with Peru and elongated heads, strange skulls and alien-looking mummies? The latest alleged alien artifact to surface in this country is a small elongated skull. Is it real or fake? If it’s real, who or what did it once belong to? Photos and videos of the skull are blasting around the Internet. Most sites say it and … Continue reading

