Currently browsing: SPACE /SCIENCE /TECH /HEALTH

NASA’s InSight Lander Senses Martian Wind

NASA’s InSight lander who’s main mission is to study the deep interior of the red planet, arrived on Mars on November 26, 2018. But already there are some unexpected surprises… The spacecraft’s seismometer and air pressure sensor picked up vibrations from 10-15 mph (16-24 kph) winds as they blew across Mars’ Elysium Planitia on Dec. 1, 2018. The seismometer readings … Continue reading

Scientists Discover ‘Zombie’ Bacteria Deep Inside the Earth

It would seem sensible to assume life would only be thriving where we dwell on the surface of our planet and even oceans, but deep below the surface? It truly makes you begin to realize that life could easily exist elsewhere in our solar system and even throughout the universe even if only in such a basic form. via Yahoo … Continue reading

NASA Confirms Voyager 2 Has Entered Interstellar Space

NASA has confirmed that the probe has become the second spacecraft ever to leave the heliosphere. Launched in 1977, both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have traveled further from the Earth than any other man-made object in history and remain fully operational despite 40 years of traveling through space. Their original mission to visit the four gas giants was made … Continue reading

China’s Next Lunar Mission Will Be a Visit of Moon’s Far Side

Will there be any unexpected surprises? Might they find evidence of alien visitors on the far side… via unexplained-mysteries: China’s latest space mission will, for the first time, see a spacecraft attempt to land on the Moon’s far side. Known as Chang’e-4, the mission will attempt to unravel some of the mysteries of this relatively unexplored region of the lunar … Continue reading

How ALL of Mankind Descended from ONE Couple 200,000 Years Ago

Are we all related? via Express UK: Scientists claim MODERN humans descended from a single couple who mated up to 200,000 years ago. The stunning conclusion was reached by researchers who surveyed millions of genetic ‘bar codes’ of 100,000 different species – including humans – and believe that one particular union resulted in billions of humans being born through centuries. … Continue reading

Prehistoric Cave ‘Art’ Suggest Knowledge of Astronomy and Catastrophic Meteor Showers

Some of the world’s oldest cave paintings have revealed how ancient people had relatively advanced knowledge of astronomy. The artworks, at sites across Europe, are not simply depictions of wild animals, as was previously thought. Instead, the animal symbols represent star constellations in the night sky, and are used to represent dates and mark events such as comet strikes, analysis … Continue reading

Scientists Use ‘Radio Search’ to Detect Artificial Emissions from ‘Oumuamua

First discovered in October 2017, intergalactic object ‘Oumuamua continues to intrigue! via It’s the first time a visitor from another star system has been seen nearby. But what is it? An asteroid, a comet … or an alien artifact? Scientists at the SETI Institute have attempted to address this question by using the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) to observe … Continue reading

NASA Probe Arrives at Asteroid Bennu Which Could Strike Earth One Day

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe which was launched in 2016 has pulled up alongside an asteroid that could one day strike Earth. A 2010 dynamical study by Andrea Milani and collaborators predicted a series of eight potential Earth impacts by Bennu between 2169 and 2199. – wikipedia via unexplained-mysteries: Part of NASA’s ongoing New Frontiers Program, the spacecraft has travelled 2 billion … Continue reading

Scientists Claim to Have Found Source of Strange Seismic Rumbling

On November 11, 2018 there was a strange rumble that echoed through the entire planet (see it here if you missed it – Strange Seismic Waves Picked up Circling the Earth on November 11, Seismologists Stumped) and was picked up by seismic instruments all over the world leaving scientist baffled for the moment. It is now being claimed that they … Continue reading

Astronomers Baffled by Bizarre Solar System

Four gargantuan planets have been observed orbiting a relatively young star approximately 500 light years away. Known as CI Tau, the star, despite being a mere two million years old, seems to have acquired a perplexing array of gas giants with the most extreme range of orbits astronomers have ever seen. The largest (and closest) planet is eleven times the … Continue reading

