| CERN Physicist: We Have Done Something Evil & it is Being Hidden
A physicist from CERN Dr. Edward Mantillreported about an incident that took place at CERN. According to his report, this incident had an impact on our world. The following is his report: My name is Dr. Edward Mantill and I was (technically still am) a physicist at CERN, located in Geneva, Switzerland. I specialize in particle and subatomic research, focusing on quark interactions. In other words, I study very small particles and how they interact with one another at very high speeds. Until Thursday, Jan. 15, 2014 I was a normal scientist living and working on the CERN campus. Most of the scientists who are involved in the branch of research that I am live on campus at the facility in Geneva and venture out only for social activities and the occasional visit home. Most of you who have heard of CERN will have heard of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) the largest scientific instrument which exceeds 20 miles in diameter and travels under the sovereign territory of two countries