| Chinese Lunar Lander Photo Reveals Artificial Structures on the Moon!
Be warned, this may blow your mind! Remember we recently shared an article containing Streetcap1's video which appeared to be show objects on the Moon's horizon that were taken by the Chinese Lunar Lander which did not appear to me natural formations.. That in itself was an incredible discovery but wait till you see the image from his recent video, MIND BLOWING! After looking at the structures (or objects) I was left asking myself, what are we looking at here, were these put there by one of our countries (or a collaboration of countries) or did mankind have nothing to do with them??? and if humans had nothing to do with them, which is what I tend to believe, then the chilling follow up question is who put them there? and maybe an even more worrisome question, WHY? But whether they are man made or alien, either way looks like we were lied to. Here is Streetcap1's video: Streetcap1's video note: Sorry there's no audio. It's 2am here and everyone in the house is asleep. -SC1. More