| Computer Simulation Strengthens Case for the Presence of a Second Sun
Astronomer from Quebec Gilles Couture conducted a study using computer simulation. Because of this he was able to prove that early in the Solar system, stars, there was a "duet". But one of them left our galaxy and flew in the space provided, leaving the Sun in splendid isolation. According to the study, conducted by the astronomer, the weight of the mysterious star was 2-3 times less than that of the Sun, and the speed of its movement ranged from 25 to 100 kilometers per second. The astronomer did not say when the second star was in the Solar system, although, in all probability, it could be a fairly short time. Apparently, it is the presence of the second the stars in our galaxy were the cause of the unusual elongated shape of the orbits of some planets are in the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, which contains a huge number of blocks of ice. To affect the orbits of the planets could have some kind of rogue planet, whose mass should be 16 times more than Earth. Previously