| Cure? Elephant Protein That Kills Cancer Successfully Synthesized by Scientists
A team of scientists led by Dr. Joshua Schiffman has successfully synthesized an elephant protein that, in the lab, fights cancer with outstanding effectiveness. Dr. Joshua Schiffman, a physician and scientist with the Huntsman Cancer Institute, believes that large mammals, such as elephants and whales, are the key to curing cancer. The idea behind his research is simple: if a cancer is one cell abruptly gone mad, then animals with more cells in their bodies should have a higher chance of developing cancer that those with less cells. If whales had the same probability of developing cancer as humans, then their bodies, containing up to 1000 times the cells of a human, must be doomed from birth. This does not happen, as whales can live up to two hundred years. Some elephants live about 60 years, and their bodies contain about 100 times the cells that a human does. Scientists refer to this effect as Peto's Paradox. Several years ago, Schiffman realized that a key to cancer resistance in