| Data From US Space Command Suggests Interstellar Object Reached Earth Years Ago – Media
"...the meteor exploded in the sky near Papua New Guinea back in January 2014, and it is possible that it "sprinkled interstellar debris" into the ocean." by Andrei Dargalin via Sputniknews photo credit: Wikimedia Commons The meteor exploded in the sky near Papua New Guinea in 2014, and possibly ended up depositing "interstellar debris" in the ocean. Material originating from beyond the reaches of our solar system may be resting on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean after a meteor that arrived from another star system brought it there, Vice's Motherboard reports, citing a memo by the US Space Command. According to the media outlet, the meteor exploded in the sky near Papua New Guinea back in January 2014, and it is possible that it "sprinkled interstellar debris" into the ocean. "I get a kick out of just thinking about the fact that we have interstellar material that was delivered to Earth, and we know where it is," said Amir Siraj, a theoretical astrophysicist at Harvard University who