| Deadly Dust: US Spreading Radiation Across the Planet and No One Wants to Raise the Issue
In a new book named "Deadly Dust - Made in the USA: Uranium Weapons Contaminating the World" German author Frieder Wagner gives a detailed account of how the US has contaminated vast territories using depleted uranium (DU) ammunition and the cover-up strategy of the military, industry and governments, as well as those in the media and politics. Sputnik: Mr Wagner, in your book "Deadly Dust — Made in the USA: Uranium Weapons Contaminating the World" you talk about the use of uranium ammunition. What is especially dangerous about these weapons? Frieder Wagner: Weapons containing uranium are produced from nuclear industry's waste (byproducts of uranium enrichment). If, for example, you want to produce a ton of natural uranium fuel rods for nuclear power plants, you get about eight tons of depleted uranium. It is a source of alpha radiation — radioactive and, moreover, very poisonous. It needs to be stored somewhere, and it is not very cheap. Sputnik: How can it be used in weapons? Frieder