| Distant Planet DESTROYED by Host Star Gives Glimpse of Same Apocalyptic Fate Earth Faces
One day the Earth will be consumed by the sun. In the meantime, ASTRONOMERS have spotted a distant planet being devoured by its host star, giving a glimpse into the same inevitable fiery death that Earth will suffer in the future. The relatively young planet – being just two million years old which is still in its infancy compared to Earth's 4.5 billion years – is similar to Jupiter in the sense that it is a gassy giant. The exoplanet, dubbed PTFO8-8695b, is located 1,100 light-years away from Earth and is currently being stripped of its gaseous atmosphere by its host star overheating it. The rate at which it is heating is accelerating with its outer layers being torn apart. Christopher Johns-Krull, lead author from Houston's "It likely formed farther away from the star and has migrated in to a point where it's being destroyed. "We know there are close-orbiting planets around middle aged stars that are presumably in stable orbits. "What we do not know is how quickly this young planet