| Dreams, Timelines and Parallel Worlds
By Zen Gardner, Like many of you, I have had dreams in my life, including recurring ones, that were clearly significant. I can't say I'm an adept interpreter but many of us try to consciously get whatever message we think there may be for us from dreams. Let's face it, virtually one third of our lives are spent in the sleeping state yet we know our full consciousness never shuts off. This dream world is a significant one to know about that could teach us many things. That observer inside each of us is getting it all and we need to pay attention and learn. Several times I have had a strong sense that it's a parallel existence I was experiencing where perhaps my life had split off and continued on in some different direction, perhaps due to some fundamental decision that I made somewhere along the timeline leading to the one I'm now living in this currently shared 3D existence. And that can happen every minute of our lives. Quite the mindblowing thought. The world in those