| Earthquake 'Swarm' Rattles New Brunswick Village, Breaks Windows
McAdam again hit by dozens of small quakes as seismologists search for answers Mysterious earthquake 'swarm' rattles NB village 2:12 A swarm of small earthquakes is again rattling residents in the southwestern New Brunswick (Canada) village of McAdam. Officially, nine earthquakes hit the area on Monday night alone, coming on the heels of more than 23 temblors recorded since Feb. 1. Mayor Frank Carroll estimates there were 20 to 30 small quakes on Monday night, with many of them not picked up by monitoring equipment located about 95 kilometres away in St. George. One of them registered 3.3 in magnitude. No injuries have been reported and damage has been minor. "Some people kind of describe it as a bomb going off," said Carroll. "The community was really on edge on Monday," he said. "It was a horrific day in the world of earthquakes for us." The village is giving all residents an "earthquake safety action plan," advising them on what to do if the quakes worsen. Lindsay Wilson says a