| EMP Or CME Imminent—Govt's Prepare For The Big One: Drills, Weekly Emergency Alerts And You Won't Believe What Else
February 18, 2016 | By Lisa Haven Is a great evil about to befall our nation? The entire world is on edge and senses that something major is about happen and one would have to be in denial not to see something is right around the corner. Our government has been preparing for years by storing up food, supplies, and ammo. Also emergency red alert tests have been going out like clockwork, not to mention the media blackouts on the topic. What on earth is going on? In the video below I delve through recent discoveries about the governments preparations for an EMP or CME attack and how they are now teaming up with amateur radio operators "just in case". Furthermore I personally have been witnessing a weekly emergency alert on my television screen. What does this all mean? The video will reveal all that and more…. But lets not forget about this! An alternative energy insider caused ripples last year due to the nature of information he leaked to the news source SGTreports. In the report the