| Facebook Keeps A "Secret File" On You. Here's How You Can View It
Ever wondered what information Facebook is keeping about you? Well, it's pretty easy to discover – but you might not like what you find (dun dun duuun!). Facebook stores a lot of information about you, including previous images, adverts you've clicked on, conversations, documents shared on Messenger, and much more. It's not alone in doing this, mind. Google, for example, keeps pretty close tabs on you. So Nick Whigham, a reporter for the New Zealand Herald, decided to find out just how much Facebook knew about him. He was surprised to find out it had collected a huge amount data, some of which he didn't even know existed. "It included scanned copies of lease forms from a previous rental property I must've sent to my buddies over Messenger, my current tenant ledger report, an old monthly billing statement for my home broadband, screenshots of banking transfers and seemingly endless web pages of all the banal conversations I have ever had on the platform," he wrote. "It's an odd feeling