| Farmington Mass UFO Sighting Marks 70 Years
Were the UFOs seen by so many in the middle of the day, something of extraterrestrial origins, or could they have been something with an earthly explanation? via Unexplained-Mysteries: This week marks the 70th anniversary of an intriguing UFO event that took place in Farmington, New Mexico. Beginning on March 16th, 1950 and continuing for three days, hundreds of residents across Farmington reported seeing an 'armada' of 'flying saucers' in the sky in broad daylight. The objects would show up between 11am and noon each day, like clockwork. Some described how the objects would zip around and "play tag" at "almost unbelievable speeds". Clayton Boddy, a former Army captain who was business manager of The Daily Times at the time of the incident, estimated that the objects were flying at an altitude of approximately 15,000ft. "All of a sudden, I noticed a few moving objects high in the sky," he said. "Moments later, there appeared to hundreds of them." The paper was inundated with calls from