| Futurologist Predicts That by 2050 More Humans Will Have Sex With Robots Than With Each Other
The human race has evolved from a long process. Today, some secular philosophers consider this current human race to be the most advanced. However, many mystic philosophers dispute this assertion. Of course, we all agree that for what we can see from the natural world, this current human race has made a rapid progress in technology, at least since the start of the third millennia. We have seen a significant surge in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Soon, humans will be able to sit in cars and other vehicles without even controlling them manually. This is a rapid technological progress. However, it comes with a cost. In this article, a new report authored by the British futurologist, Dr Ian Pearson has revealed that by the year 2050, more human beings will opt to have sex with robots than their fellow humans. A futurologist is a researcher whose specialty is to systematically explore predictions and possibilities about the future, and how they can emerge from the present