| Government/Hollywood Complex To Sell Martial Law In New Films
By Bernie Suarez - via zengardner A massive wave of government propaganda is coming and the method of transmission will be Hollywood. Hollywood is one of the most important brainwashing tools to keep the masses ignorant of reality and government corruption. And as we've seen in the past, it is designed to reinforce numerous government lies the masses are supposed to believe. Whenever Hollywood releases a film endorsing a government narrative it usually represents the final phase of a false flag, staged event narrative being sold. Remember what former CIA director William Casey said. Until EVERYTHING that everyone believes is a lie, the control system feels they are not done lying to you yet. When it comes to propaganda, Hollywood operates under a different set of rules, as they have the liberty to fictionally represent a story under the guise of "entertainment" without having to be accurate about what really happened. A close look at this issue reveals how powerful and effective the