| Gravity Control, Project Greenglow and a New Development
By Paul Seaburn Via Mysterious Universe - March 2016 A BBC documentary about Ministry of Defence (MoD) research project using gravity detection has revived talk about Project Greenglow and the quest for gravity control. What is gravity detection, what was Project Greenglow and where are we today with gravity control? The documentary is called Project Greenglow: The Quest For Gravity Control and was broadcast on BBC Two on March 23rd – it can now be seen on Horizon iPlayer. The documentary reveals how the MoD has developed a gravity scanner that may be able to see through walls and underground, making it a phenomenal security innovation. The gravity scanner works by freezing atoms with lasers, then detecting how they are affected by the gravitational pull of nearby objects. Researchers are calling it a "quantum gravity detector" and say it can create a 3D map of things behind a wall or underground without being detected or jammed. Beside being a tool for the military, it has commercial