| Green Meteor Fireball Spotted in South Florida by Dozens of People
The American Meteor Society said this morning that dozens of people are reporting to have spotted a bluish or green fireball over South Florida at about 6:30. More than 40 reports were made to the AMS from people who claim to have witnessed the event from Kendall to Jupiter. Nine reports came from people in Palm Beach County. Mike Hankey, operations manager for the American Meteor Society, said it was a random fireball and not part of a known meteor shower. "Lots of folks are talking about it," Hankey said. "It only happened three hours ago, so not much information yet." A report from a West Palm Beach man says the fireball cut a long trail across the sky. "Train was glowing an iridescent or almost neon blue with white edges," the man reported. "Looked like it was 300-500 yards behind the fireball itself but was still attached to the head of the fireball." Hankey was part of a team of people who recently found six pieces of galactic rock in North Florida after a sighting earlier this