| How Would an Alien Invasion be Dealt With by Mankind?
There are distinct similarities between the actions taken for handling the coronavirus pandemic and a potential extraterrestrial threat. via unexplained-mysteries: There's no denying that the threat posed by Covid-19 is unprecedented in the modern age. This invisible killer - indiscriminate in whose lives it takes - is a global threat, impacting the lives of people all across the world, no matter their spiritual, philosophical or political views or alignments. In many ways it is the closest thing we have ever faced to an actual alien invasion - a threat to our very existence that has required us to pool together our resources and efforts. The virus doesn't care what race you are, what you believe or where you come from and neither would an extraterrestrial invader. Former US President Ronald Reagan once famously said - "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." Sadly, in the case of the