| Huge Unknown Tracks Discovered on the Bottom of the Pacific Ocean
A series of mysterious tracks that cannot be explained geologically has been discovered at the bottom of the Pacific deep sea by a diving robot. The exploratory diving robot came across more than 3,500 of the impressions in the ground, which averaged almost 2.5 meters long and were around 13 centimeters deep. Marine biologists assume the patterns originate from large organisms, but no known marine animal seems to fit the characteristics. The team around Leigh Marsh of the National Oceanography Centre of the University of Southampton recently reported in the journal "Royal Society Open Science", the impressions are in the Pacific Clarion-Clipperton zone between Mexico and Hawaii, according to grenswissenschaft-aktuell. The sonar images show that these impressions are also not randomly distributed and form slightly curvy traces, as the researchers around Marsh "already remind us of a series of footprints". Although the impressions seem to be of different ages, they seem to be traces of