| India Shuts Down Gates Foundation Program Over Ties to Big Pharma
The Secretariat of India's highest advisory body on immunization, NTAGI, has been transitioned to the fully government-funded National Institute of Family Health and Welfare (NIFHW), by order of the Centre. NTAGI's Secretariat has, until now, been serviced through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-backed Immunization Technical Support Unit (ITSU) at the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI). Reports say that the reason behind the Secretariat's shifting out of ITSU could be allegations of "conflict of interest" in the NTAGI-Gates Foundation relationship, raised by members of the steering group of the National Health Mission. The concerns reportedly centered around the foundation's "ties" with pharmaceutical companies, and the influence this could exert on the country's vaccination policy. Global Policy Forum, an organization seeking to promote accountability of international organizations, highlighted the growing influence of large global philanthropic foundations, including the