| INVASION: Here's What to do if Aliens Visit Earth in 2017; Official UFO Guide Revealed
AS humans explore more and more of the galaxy, the likeliness of us encountering extraterrestrial life becomes more likely. Life could exist on any planet in the solar system, with Europa, Venus and Mars named as being able to harbour life. If you do stumble on an alien life form, guidelines are in place to handle the euphoria and ensure a War of the Worlds situation does not happen. Following the first encounter, anyone experiencing the phenomenon is urged to contact the government, without telling anyone until the UFO claim has been confirmed. Guidelines from the SETI Institute – the official organisation hunting for aliens on behalf of humanity – state: "Prior to making a public announcement that evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence has been detected, the discoverer should promptly inform all other observers or research organisations that are parties to this declaration. "Parties this declaration should not make any public announcement of this information until it is determined