| Is HAARP Being Used by the United States to Devastate Food Supplies and Cause Mass Starvation in Other Countries?
(NaturalNews) In August 2010, as much of Russia's cultivable land was being consumed by flames, then-Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin issued an order halting all grain exports, choosing instead to preserve what could be harvested for his own people. The out-of-control wildfires spread quickly amid a punishing drought that produced conditions leading to the destruction of more than one-third of Russian farmland used to grow crops. Or was the drought to blame? Some suspected something much more sinister. As reported by The Guardian, a UK-based newspaper, the Russian tabloid press openly posited at the time that the United States may have been behind temperatures and drought not seen throughout Russia in 140 years. They speculated that the U.S. government was orchestrating the heatwave in order to give American farmers an advantage in the global marketplace while sticking it to an old nemesis. They speculated that a controversial experiment built and funded by the military and