| Is Mysterious Pi the Key to Everything in the Universe?
Typically shortened to 3.14, the irrational number referred to as pi has been perplexing the human race for over 3,000 years. By definition, pi (π) is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Even though we all learn about this mysterious number in grade school for measuring circles, its intrigue reaches far beyond simple math. Not only is pi a mathematical representation of eternity, it also has no discernible pattern. A fact that has driven more than one mathematician to the brink of madness. Many have dedicated their entire lives to endlessly computing one digit after another, hoping to discover some kind of meaning within the chaos. While no such pattern has ever been discovered, other discoveries have only added to the mystery of pi, many of which suggest this infinite number is used as a building block for everything in the known Universe. Interesting Pi Facts 1. Thanks to super-computers, there are now 10 trillion known digits in pi…and counting. 2. The true