| Is There a Secret Government-Alien Base at Denver International Airport? [Revisited]
Conspiracy theorists have revisited allegations that there is a massive but secret underground alien-government base at the Denver International Airport (DIA). The base is allegedly designed to be used as a doomsday bunker for top government officials and their Reptilian alien mentors in the event of an apocalypse. Conspiracy theory rumors that the DIA hides a massive alien-government underground base consisting of an extensive network of bunkers first surfaced in 1995. According to the rumors, the underground complex is a Continuity of Government (COG) facility that includes residential amenities for the Reptoid global elite. The elite plan to use the facility when the global catastrophe designed to pave the way for the inauguration of the Reptilian-Illuminati New World Order occurs. But the claims were considered rumors even in some conspiracy theory circles until Shepard Ambellas, an online conspiracy theorist who manages the right-wing conspiracy theory blog Intellihub, announced