| Large Earth Crack in Bocas del Toro, Panama
At least six houses are threatened by a large crack that appeared in the village of Almirante in the province of Bocas del Toro, Panama. The crack, first reported on June 11th, was only 3 feet deep. On Wednesday June 15th, the fissure was already six feet deep and still growing! In total, the crack threatens 6 houses – or 35 people – who have to be relocated in safety. One of the families threatened by this large fissure has already been evacuated as the ground under its house may collapse. The Ministry of Housing and Land Management of Panama has already announced that new homes will be built for the six families affected by this growing crack in the ground. Here a link to a video in Spanish. Do you remember this giant Earth crack in Mexico in August 2014? In case you don't recall, here is a quick reminder below... Was the huge fissure caused by the nearby San Andreas Fault or is the collapse related to groundwater? This one kilometer long and eight meters deep large trench in the