| Media Cover-Up Goes On as New York's Nuclear Plant Continues to Leak into the Hudson River
Environmentalists are calling New York's leaking nuclear plant "Chernobyl on the Hudson" and rightly so, as the aging plant has been plagued with welding problems. The plant is leaking a drop of contaminated water every five seconds, shockingly including 600 gallons of petroleum, some of which has even reached the discharge canal, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo, who toured the area by boat on October 1st. Will Cuomo end up severely disabled like the U.S. sailors who came close to Japan's leaking nuclear plant Fukushima? Indian Point's dysfunctional nuclear power plant is only a couple dozen miles north of New York City's boundary, and just 50 miles from densely populated areas. New York State Environmental Commissioner Basil Seggos suggested that the booms placed in that discharge canal meant to absorb the petroleum "may not have been effective." He went on to say that one of the booms has actually been ripped off, so if oil got into the water at any rate, it would have entered the