| Microwave EMF Health Affects: Deliberate Deception?
What would you think or say if I were to tell you black is white; up is down; Planet Earth is square, not spheroid in shape; and night is day? You probably would say I'm off my rocker and really don't know what I'm talking about. Do you think that some segments of vested scientific research are capable of being equally outrageous? I propose that very sort of scientific mischief and outrageousness is going on within vested-interest microwave technology sciences so as to keep you, the gullible and enthralled technology 'smart' device consumer, confused into believing there are no adverse health effects from microwaves EXCEPT what's acknowledged and called thermal radiation, which can heat skin. If smart technology gadgets don't heat your skin, then they are safe, which is the standard "tobacco science" pap disseminated by industrial professional societies such as IEEE, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the National Council of Radiation Protection (NCRP) and the