| Modern Baboons May Sound Like Ancient Humans
Have you ever walked past the baboon exhibit at your local zoo and thought, "That one with the big red butt sounds exactly like Uncle Harry!"? I haven't either (I don't have an Uncle Harry) but apparently some anthropologists did and it got them thinking about the origins of human speech. The result is a new study which suggests that the physical ability to talk existed 25 million years ago – long before the larynx developed but at a time when the tongue of human ancestors resembled that of the modern Guinea baboon. Language is a key difference between humans and the rest of the natural world, but the origin of our speech remains one of the greatest mysteries of science. In their study, Evidence of a Vocalic Proto-System in the Baboon (Papio papio) Suggests Pre-Hominin Speech Precursors, published in PLOS One, scientists from six universities in France and Alabama led by Dr. Louis-Jean Boe of Grenoble Alpes University listened to acoustics of 1,335 baboon sounds while analyzing the