| Mysterious Earthquake Swarm: Australian Town Hit With 33 QUAKES in 30 Days
A TOWN won't stop shaking having been hit with 50 earthquakes in the last two months. Norseman, located 720 km east of Perth in western Australia, has had more than 30 quakes this month. The first quake - of 5.0 magnitude - shook the town on May 28 in the middle of the night. It was soon followed by an even stronger 5.1 magnitude tremor an hour later. John Fry, works manager at the local government, said he heard a loud rumbling during the middle of night but did not realise it was an earthquake. He said: "I thought it was just a train coming through. "The last thing you think of is an earthquake." The town residents have had to deal with aftershocks - smaller quakes that follow large earthquakes - ever since. The tremors have ranged in intensity from 2.7 to 4.2 in magnitude with the exception of a 5.6 quake earlier this month. Hugh Glanville, seismologist at Geoscience Australia, said the phenomenon is a reasonably classic earthquake sequence. "When a large section of a fault moves